What are period Delay Pills/tablets?
Period-delaying tablets or pills look as normal as other tablets containing the hormone progesterone specially made for delaying your period cycle or birth control. It is usually taken three to four days before the expected date of your period which could assist in delaying your periods. Period delay pills help women delay and control when their period comes, even if it may be inconvenient, for travelling or attending a religious event or other medical reasons.
However, it’s crucial that you speak with a doctor before using any oral contraceptives and obtain specific instructions on how to properly delay your period.

Different Types of Period-Delaying Tablets
- There are several varieties of period-delaying tablets on the market. Progesterone (Norethisterone 5mg tablets) is known to be efficient and safer than other pills, so they are often used. It is advisable to avoid using norethisterone for delaying periods if you take a combination of oral birth control pills.
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- In addition to period-delaying medications, combination contraceptive pill examples include- When you have a period, you take a combination tablet for 21 days, then go without one for 7 days. These medicines are called monophasic 21-day pills (Microgynon and Cilest).
- Microgynon ED and Lorynon ED are used daily as a single tablet. The first 21 pills you take before your period are active tablets, and the next seven pills are inactive or sham pills.
How and when should one take pills?
Start taking these pills three to four days before your period’s anticipated start, and continue to do so until you achieve the desired period delay. For the combined contraceptive pill- You may need to start taking the combo tablet many weeks prior if you want to delay your period with it. Not everybody ought to utilise it, though.
Always see a gynaecologist before using these drugs. Based on your body weight, irregular menstruation, and other medical conditions, your doctor will determine the right dosage of the pills for you.
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Benefits of Period Delay tablets
Keep anaemia at bay
Women with anaemia don’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout their bodies, which can lead to fatigue, bruising, and weakness. Period-delaying medicine that lets you miss your period can help to avoid period-related anaemia.
It can ease migraines related to menstruation
Due to your sensitivity to the changes in hormone levels, you may get agonising migraines close to or around your period. Avoiding your period might lessen the severity of these excruciating headaches.
Makes menstruation painless
Taking this pill can help ease the discomfort of your menstrual pain if you experience it and also fight hormonal acne.
Reduce the risk of uterine cancer
Reduce your chance of getting certain types of cancer Uterine cancer is 50% less likely to strike female users of birth control tablets or period-delaying pills. By skipping periods hormonally, you also lower your chances of ovarian and uterine cancer.
Lower the risk of ovarian cysts
Many little cysts are seen in the ovaries of women with PCOS. By inhibiting ovulation, these medications may even be able to limit the growth of existing cysts and the formation of new ones.
Side Effects of Period-Delaying Pills
It’s usual to delay your period as well as have one. It is safe to delay or skip periods if the steps required are followed and counsel is received. But, there is just one thing that must aware of-
Taking medicine to delay periods may have a variety of adverse effects. Possible side effects are unusual vaginal bleeding, menstrual cycle irregularities, abdomen pain, and mood swings.
Weight gain, sore or swollen breasts, and a menstrual delay in the next cycle are a few other side effects of delaying your period.
Norethisterone, a synthetic version of progesterone, is a component of period-delaying medications and works by keeping the body’s progesterone levels artificially high.
For instance, if you have breast cancer, a history of blood clots, or are pregnant, norethisterone may not be right for you. You must consult a doctor to learn more before taking it.
Hormonal birth control or period delaying or combined oral contraceptive pills, the purpose of these pills is almost the same and is not for every woman. If you smoke and are over the age of 35, it can increase your risk of blood clots and high blood pressure. In addition, some types of hormonal birth control, such as combination pills, can increase your risk of blood clots and high blood pressure, even in non-smokers.