One of the most awaited Bollywood movie “SANJU” which is a biopic of Bollywood’s most controversial but successful actor Sanjay Dutt released in theaters today Friday 29th June 2018. Movie is directed hindi cinema’s most creative and reputed director “Rajkumar Hirani” and “Ravir Kapoor” is playing lead character as Sanjay Dutt akka Sanju Baba.
Movie Sanju has already created buzz in media before release and made millions dollar income from its songs and promo teaser. After release on first day sanju made the total collection of 25 crores only in India (domestic box office collection) which is as expected by movie critics and analysts.
Sanju first day total box office collection from 2500+ movie theaters in in India is approx 25 crores Indian rupee which is very good and one of the biggest opening day collection of 2018. Movie review is very good and audience are crazy about the movie, so it is expected that movie 2nd and 3rd day collection on weekend will be as good as sanju first day total box office income.