21 days lockdown period is going on in India to stop the spread of coronavirus pandemic. In the meantime, Uttar Pradesh Government has taken an initiative action during the lockdown period due to the Coivid-19 virus. day by day it will increase gradually in all over India so lots of people facing problems when he goes outside in house because of government lockdown whole of the state properly. during this lockdown period, only essential service is running for the public such as the health department, Banking Sector, Post Office, grocery shop, medical, etc. for these services if you go anywhere people will have to get an e-pass for going outside the house.
The government is providing e-pass in online mode, so people can easily generate it by opening the official website of Uttar Pradesh Government. online e-pass available online on emergency services otherwise not allowed. Applicant/person who belongs to the Medical/Essential Service can fill the Application for the vehicle e-pass online.
Process to get UP Lockdown E-Pass Online:
- Visit the official website of UP Government Lockdown E-pass.
- The E Pass Section Provide Mobile Number and get the OTP on the Massage.
- After verifying the OTP, Fill the Application Form properly and also provide Photo and Identity Card.
- After Final Submission the Form, get the Print of the Application.
- Check your Application Status regularly on the website.
After Reviewing your application authority inform you like an email or Mobile no. or you can directly check application status.
Official Website Link to Apply Online