The chief minister of Bihar Mr. Nistish Kumar has done on official public conference till today in the state to explain the government effort and on groundwork, situation to stop the spread of deadly coronavirus in the state. Nitish Kumar is still silent on this and his office has also didn’t break silence on the media briefing for the Covid-19 situation & migrant labor crisis.Bihar

Bihar is also suffering from the coronavirus pandemic and till today more than 1300 positive cases have been reported officially in the state and the count in increasing daily by more than 100+ positive cases. 5 district of Bihar is already in the red zone and it seems that Bihar might have more red zones in upcoming days.
CM Nitish Kumar has also didn’t brief media/press till now on the migrant labor crisis for Bihar. Bihar is one of the most affected states in the country that is suffering very badly for the migrant labor mismanagement. Initially, CM has denied bringing back labors and now ignoring their day to day life problems.
Opposition leader Tejashwi Prasad Yadav told media that CM Nitish Kumar is still in Ego and ignoring many problems of Bihari’s. He never tried to solve the common problem of Bihar and his govt in alliance with BJP is a big failure in the time of the corona crisis.