Smart Farming is a great idea to cultivate crops with the uses of latest technologies and data analysis, this method of farming is still confined but growing very fast day by day as the use of internet and technology is growing continuously. Smart farming can make you get better yields with less bad impacts on the environment and can also have very less risk with maximum productivity.
Method of smart farming can better understand with the help of below infographics:

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How smart farming is really smart to overcome many agrarian challenges:
Saving of water and farming space: With the conventional method of watering e.g. by using the watering can, you get 1 kg yield/plant, if you switch to drip irrigation it reduces water usage and gives you more yield per plant. By using the hydroponic technology, you can save more water, save more space because you can make your farm in a vertical form, and faster time to harvest. And this is how water wastage problem can be easily solved with the help of smart farming.
Farming pollution control: Farming must not lead to pollution by extensive use of chemicals, pesticides and water pump/machines operated on diesel. In order to maintain that use solar and to keep our environment pure organic and smart farming should be considered.
Fast crop cycle: Naturally crops of different varieties have a definite time to cultivate, that is called crop cycle. For example, wheat needs 4-5 month to cultivate depending on the breed. In smart farming innovative techniques like hybrid seeds, providing required lighting (spectrum needed for growth) or in temperature controlled environment (Polyhouse) can be used to decrease the time needed for cultivation.
How to start smart farming:
To start doing smart farming you don’t need to buy expensive equipment at the beginning. You can start very small by record every aspect of your farm with the help of a spreadsheet and analyze which aspect you can make it more efficient. To record environment data, you can start by DIY your smart farming system with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and many other latest technology sensors and software. It all might be sounding very technical for your and here company like WRMS (Weather Risk Management Services Private Limited) can help you.
Why smart farming & What smart farming can offer you?
- The farmers can remotely monitor their equipment, crops, and livestock.
- They can even use this technology to run statistical predictions for their crops and livestock.
- Ability to do real-time diagnostics of the health of the crops & livestock.
- The farmers gain around the clock visibility into the health of their field by monitoring the soil and crop along with the storage conditions, livestock maintenance, and energy consumption.