Literacy rate in Bihar is Good on Govt Papers & Reports Only: No doubt Bihar has grown up in last 15-20 years with a very good speed in terms of Road, electricity and other life fundamentals but Literacy is still the issue, the point is quality of education not just numbers. As per the latest reports still, Bihar has the most illiterate people in India and has more illiterate people- by proportion than any Indian state.

There is an education crisis in Bihar & the primary education system is suffering. Its classrooms don’t seem like a classroom with too much crowd and have the fewest teachers.
The teacher who is teaching in government schools in Bihar doesn’t have sufficient knowledge to teach basic books to the students. And low payments to the teachers are forcing all the best teachers to move to private schools and to other states for new Jobs. Still, Illiteracy affects states individuals in all areas of their life.
An illiterate individual cannot join the awareness to make an informed decision that affects them and their community. Further, children of illiterate parents do not receive the same education as children of educated parents. Even if they go to the same school, children of illiterate parents lack the kind of awareness educated parents can give to their children. Hence illiteracy becomes a major problem affecting the social and economic development of Bihar state.