How to Take Care of a Child from New Coronavirus Variants? – India is once again seeing a spurt in the daily spread of the new variant of COVID-19, particularly in places where community COVID-19 vaccination rates are low. As children in India are not yet to be fully vaccinated, especially children under 10 who cannot yet be vaccinated. Every parent needs to be aware of the symptoms of this new wave of COVID-19 in children and what to do to keep their child safe from New Corona Viruses.
How to recognize the signs and symptoms of novel COVID-19 in children, and what actions to take to keep your child safe.
Children with COVID-19 may have a variety of symptoms, a few symptoms, or none at all. Cough and fever are the most prevalent COVID-19 symptoms in children. The following are examples of possible symptoms of new Corona Viruses
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- Fever
- Sore throat
- Cough that Turns into a Productive Cough
- Runny Nose or Nasal congestion
- Breathing problems
- Extreme fatigue
- Muscle aches & pain
- New severe headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- cold, sweaty, pale, or blotchy skin
New Corona Viruses- Precaution & Care
Here are some steps you may take as a parent to protect your child from the new corona epidemic.
- As fever is a common symptom of COVID-19. Keep an eye on your child’s temperature every 4 hours. If your child gets a fever, sore throat, cough, or trouble breathing symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
- Except for medical treatment, keep your child at home and away from others and pets. Make sure your child uses a separate bedroom and bathroom if at all feasible.
- When coughing or sneezing, teach your child to cover his or her mouth and nose with a tissue. Immediately dispose of the used tissue and wash your child’s hands with soap and water or rub hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
- Remember to keep your child away from the member who has a cold, fever, or flu-like symptoms in the family.
- As much as possible, have one person solely care for the sick child. Wear a mask and wash her hands before and after contact with the child to prevent transmission.
- If your child is beyond the age of two, teach him to wear a mask, the caregiver also should wear a mask when in the same room.
- Handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be done often in your home.
- Give your child a healthy fresh diet that includes lots of water. Give citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, vitamin C and D-rich veggies, foods, and zinc-rich foods like lentils, beans, and nuts.
- Clean the child’s toys once a day. Use regular home cleansers or wipes to clean or sanitize often touched items such as doorknobs, light switches, toys, remote controls, and phones daily.
- Call the doctor, if your child is having problems breathing, has chronic discomfort or pressure in the chest, has nasal congestion or pale, blue-colored skin, or has a new severe headache.
- At least once a day, to avoid infection, parents and children can take the following precautions. Even if any member is unwell and not sure, if they have COVID-19, they should stay at home unless they require medical attention. It will aid in the prevention of infection.