Facebook has launched its Watch video service for mobile, desktop, and TV Last week. Facebook will be making its new center for videos available to most of its US users over the next few days. This video service has nabbed a doc series based on viral blog Humans of New York, which already boasts a huge following on the social network. The same goes for its latest additions – to new Latino shows that have found success on rival YouTube video service.
Image source: venturebeat.com
On Watch, users can see several shows from likes Buzzfeed, Vox, A&E Networks, Discovery Communications Inc, Wally Walt Disney Co’s ABC, as well as live sports. Starting Thursday, thousands of shows will be available to a wider number of Facebook users. Viewers will also be able to see the comment from others Facebook users while the show and can make watch lists to keep up with new episodes of a show. Every show in Watch will have its own specific Facebook page, through which publishers will be allowed to share new episodes and web articles.
Facebook look top-quality, scripted video as important for maintaining users, particularly younger ones who are progressively rushing to competing Snapchat. Facebook also opinions shows as a way to rake in brand advertising dollars typically arranged for conventional TV.
Mitú’s shows usually be targeted at Latino millennials, and its Watch on Facebook programs are no different. Mom’s Movie Reviews is cast from the YouTube, providing every week reviews of new movie releases by a Latina mom and her son. The unscripted funny series will be available to view on Facebook’s Watch every Friday.
The every week programs come from digital video network Mitú and include Mom’s Movie Reviews, and What’s Good in Your Hood.