Cowin Online Registration For Children, Covid Vaccine For 12 Years Old: India has vaccinated almost 80% of its adult population (people above 18 years) and now going to start a vaccination drive for children also for protection against deadly coronavirus. The Health Ministry of India has confirmed that Covid-19 vaccines for children of age 12 years and more have been approved by the ICMR. Recently, the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) approved Zydus Cadila’s three-dose vaccine for emergency use for children above 12 years old.

When Covid Vaccine for Children will be available in India?
The Health Ministery of India and DCGI have already given approval for emery use of Covid-19 vaccine of children developed by Zydus Cadila and a few other vaccines for children are in the final stage of the trial. It is expected that Bharat Biotech Covaxine will also be available in India for emergency use for children above 12 years old to give protection against coronavirus all variants including delta plus variant.
Also Check: Coronavirus Delta Plus Variant Precaution, Symptoms, Severity, Effective Vaccines
Cowin Vaccine Registration for Children
Online registration for Covid-19 vaccines for children is not started yet but as per the latest news from the government sources, India will start a vaccination drive for children above 12 years very soon at different vaccination centers across the country. Initially, 2 types of vaccines will be available for child Zydus Cadiida and Covaxine.
Once the registration for the Covid-19 vaccine for children will open, users can register tier child online using cowin website and Aarogya Setu app through mobile number and email id of parents. Initially, vaccines will be given through the online registration process only at the scheduled date and time.
Cowin Official Website for Registration:
Health Ministry Official Website for more details: