News of coronavirus vaccine is now official and many countries like UK & USA have started vaccination their people especially old age people. Companies like Pfizer have made it official now that its vaccine is approved by many government authorities and is available for use of the common people. In India also the government is about to approve the use of the covid-19 vaccine but initially it will be for emergency use only but slowly it will be made available in public state-wise.
In Indian, there is 2-3 vaccine including made in India COVAXINE are in the final stage of its human trial. But before that central Modi government can give approval for emergency use of vaccines like Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca. Price of the vaccine and vaccination centres is not finalized yet but the central government already informed all the state governments to prepare for it accordingly.
Initially states like Delhi, Maharashtra, Kerela, Gujrat and UP and can get heavy doses of the vaccine because of maximum numbers of covid-19 cases. But this will be for front-line workers only till march 2020 after that vaccine will be made available for common people through government authorized coronavirus vaccine centres only. As pe the latest new few approved covid-19 vaccines have 2 doses and few have 3 doses and that’s why till now it’s not clear when and how people will get it.
As covid cases are in decline in Indian now so, government don’t want to take any risk in the use of the covid-19 vaccine. Health minister of India Dr Harsh Wardhan already told media that we are in the process of giving emergency approval to vaccine-like Pfizer but we will only do it after getting all the information like success rate, doses and side effects, he also mentions till march 2020 made in India vaccine will also be available in the market.
As per the press source and govt officials, covid vaccine centres will be made district wise in all the states and only state government will give the approval to use of the vaccine at the local ground. Bihar may get corona vaccine free as promised by BJP govt at the time assembly election 2020.