STET 2020 has been canceled by the Board before the final decision of the Patna highcourt. A student organization Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad ABVP has done a massive protest against this decision in the whole state and declared it a black day for students. Till now there is no official clarification has been given by the board for exams sudden cancellation.

Patna court was about to give a decision on the STET 2020 exam on 22nd May 2020 as scheduled but State Teacher Eligibility Test, Bihar has decided to cancel the exam before the court verdict. The exam was conducted in January 2020 and from different sources news was coming that its paper was leaked.
For the session of 2020, a total of 2950 schools needs fresh recruitment of the teachers and it was supposed that this exam will fulfill that but now it seems difficult. Bihar government has no plan for how they will carry the new session of class 9th for 2020 without teachers.
An ABVP spokesperson told media that after 8 years STET was conducted and through it around 34000 new teachers to be recruited but the board & Bihar government has canceled it without any valid reason which is betrayed to all the STET 2020 aspirations.