The virus is passed on from one person to another person through coughing and sneezing. The germs which are released into the air can be passed to another person through the breath and enter the body through the mouth, nose, and eyes.
The H1N1 virus can transmit through, doorknobs, ATM buttons, public handles and similar areas where the germs can rest. These hard areas can be a relaxing place for the Swine Flu virus and when an individual makes contact with this area and then touches his, nose, mouth or eyes area, then the virus is transmitted.
The virus is commonly called H1N1 (swine flu), people are however cautioned against relating the virus to pigs. For as long as various meats products coming from pigs are prepared cooked, it cannot contaminate people with the H1N1 virus. Knowing the H1N1 virus causes are expected to improve the chances of mitigating the effects of the sickness and in reducing the number of people infected by the virus.
Why The Children are dying In UP
Every day, 1,043 children under the age of one including 751 newborns die in UP, mostly from totally preventable causes. The state is one the poorest in India and records hundreds of deaths of children due to diseases, including encephalitis.
The UP govt ruled out lack of oxygen as the cause of the deaths of 30 children in 48 hours at Gorakhpur’s BRD Medical College and ordered advanced level query into the occurrence to be led by the chief secretary.
“After the first level of investigation, we can claim that the deaths did not take place due to disruption of gas supply. The discussions happened in detail, but issue of gas supply that should’ve come to light didn’t come up,” BRD principal P K Singh said
He also added in the statement children with different complications and conditions arising out of premature delivery, under weight, pneumonia, infectious diseases and encephalitis are admitted to a hospital, mostly in a very serious condition. “A lot many lives can be saved if they are brought here earlier,”.